Mini Comics Mart Announcement for #24hcdsg 2016


Since the first announcement of the announcement of this year’s 24Hour Comics Day, we have some new info for the MINI COMICS MART to be apart of the event held at LASALLE College of the Arts on Saturday October 1st to Sunday October 2nd, 2016!

Featuring exclusively local comics to be available at LaSalle Block F Level 5, are the following titles (with more to come too!):

TANKY - Silence
Derek Chua - Role-Players and Kitsune series
Max Loh - Pointe De Controle
Benjamin Chee - Lychee Queen
Germaine Lim - Genesis Blood Debt series
Global Beards - Yellow Princess 1
James Leong - Perfect World
ZiQun AK - Wizard Garden
Jerry Teo - Rex Regrets Vol 1

What a swell way to celebrate local, where you can watch and buy! And while I cannot confirm purchasing details, I;d advice you to bring CASH, yeah?


Note that all Participants for the challenge are required to register for the event by Friday 30th September on HERE!

**Folks are allowed to visit the challengers, but visitation should cease at 7pm, and visitors should keep interaction with the artists brief as they would be very busy handling the challenge.
