#mixsomenoise for Noise Singapore 2016 Festival Exhibition @ The Capitol Piazza (On til Sept 30th, 2016)
Seen at the “MIX SOME NOISE" - currently on show at the Capitol Piazza (#01-23, 13 Stamford Road, Singapore 178905), as part of the "Noise Singapore 2016 Festival”, on the ground floor outside the main entrance, where the (sheltered) outdoor exhibition showcases a variety of imagery - both illustration and photography, and painted installation elements as well.
Shown here in this album are select imagery (unfortunately not all are credited - please feel free to do so, if it’s your artwork, thanks!) I’d snapped on Saturday August 27th, while visiting the Seven Deadly SINs exhibition from Band of Doodlers.
Exhibiting thru September 30th, 2016, find out more info via www.noisesingapore.com and check out the individual images uploaded HERE on the TOYSREVIL Facebook.
(Above Art by Sandra G. www.sandragxh.com)
(Art by Alvin Koh www.behnace.net/mraruvin)